
 1import cirro.file_utils  # noqa
 2from cirro.cirro_client import CirroApi
 3from cirro.sdk.dataset import DataPortalDataset
 4from cirro.sdk.portal import DataPortal
 5from cirro.sdk.process import DataPortalProcess
 6from cirro.sdk.project import DataPortalProject
 7from cirro.sdk.reference import DataPortalReference
 9__all__ = [
10    'DataPortal',
11    'DataPortalProject',
12    'DataPortalProcess',
13    'DataPortalDataset',
14    'DataPortalReference',
15    'CirroApi',
16    'file_utils'
class DataPortal:
 12class DataPortal:
 13    """
 14    Helper functions for exploring the Projects, Datasets, Samples, and Files
 15    available in the Data Portal.
 16    """
 18    def __init__(self, base_url: str = None, client: CirroApi = None):
 19        """
 20        Set up the DataPortal object, establishing an authenticated connection.
 22        Args:
 23            base_url (str): Optional base URL of the Cirro instance
 24             (if not provided, it uses the `CIRRO_BASE_URL` environment variable, or the config file)
 25            client (`cirro.cirro_client.CirroApi`): Optional pre-configured client
 27        Example:
 28        ```python
 29        from cirro import DataPortal
 31        Portal = DataPortal(base_url="")
 32        portal.list_projects()
 33        ```
 34        """
 36        if client is not None:
 37            self._client = client
 39        # Set up default client if not provided
 40        else:
 41            self._client = CirroApi(base_url=base_url)
 43    def list_projects(self) -> DataPortalProjects:
 44        """List all the projects available in the Data Portal."""
 46        return DataPortalProjects(
 47            [
 48                DataPortalProject(proj, self._client)
 49                for proj in self._client.projects.list()
 50            ]
 51        )
 53    def get_project_by_name(self, name: str = None) -> DataPortalProject:
 54        """Return the project with the specified name."""
 56        return self.list_projects().get_by_name(name)
 58    def get_project_by_id(self, _id: str = None) -> DataPortalProject:
 59        """Return the project with the specified id."""
 61        return self.list_projects().get_by_id(_id)
 63    def get_dataset(self, project: str = None, dataset: str = None) -> DataPortalDataset:
 64        """
 65        Return a dataset identified by ID or name.
 67        Args:
 68            project (str): ID or name of project
 69            dataset (str): ID or name of dataset
 71        Returns:
 72            `cirro.sdk.dataset.DataPortalDataset`
 74            ```python
 75            from cirro import DataPortal()
 76            portal = DataPortal()
 77            dataset = portal.get_dataset(
 78                project="id-or-name-of-project",
 79                dataset="id-or-name-of-dataset"
 80            )
 81            ```
 82        """
 83        try:
 84            project: DataPortalProject = self.get_project_by_id(project)
 85        except DataPortalAssetNotFound:
 86            project: DataPortalProject = self.get_project_by_name(project)
 88        try:
 89            return project.get_dataset_by_id(dataset)
 90        except DataPortalAssetNotFound:
 91            return project.get_dataset_by_name(dataset)
 93    def list_processes(self, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcesses:
 94        """
 95        List all the processes available in the Data Portal.
 96        By default, only list non-ingest processes (those which can be run on existing datasets).
 97        To list the processes which can be used to upload datasets, use `ingest = True`.
 99        Args:
100            ingest (bool): If True, only list those processes which can be used to ingest datasets directly
101        """
103        return DataPortalProcesses(
104            [
105                DataPortalProcess(p, self._client)
106                for p in self._client.processes.list()
107                if not ingest or p.executor == Executor.INGEST
108            ]
109        )
111    def get_process_by_name(self, name: str, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcess:
112        """
113        Return the process with the specified name.
115        Args:
116            name (str): Name of process
117        """
119        return self.list_processes(ingest=ingest).get_by_name(name)
121    def get_process_by_id(self, id: str, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcess:
122        """
123        Return the process with the specified id
125        Args:
126            id (str): ID of process
127        """
129        return self.list_processes(ingest=ingest).get_by_id(id)
131    def list_reference_types(self) -> DataPortalReferenceTypes:
132        """
133        Return the list of all available reference types
134        """
136        return DataPortalReferenceTypes(
137            [
138                DataPortalReferenceType(ref)
139                for ref in self._client.references.get_types()
140            ]
141        )

Helper functions for exploring the Projects, Datasets, Samples, and Files available in the Data Portal.

DataPortal(base_url: str = None, client: CirroApi = None)
18    def __init__(self, base_url: str = None, client: CirroApi = None):
19        """
20        Set up the DataPortal object, establishing an authenticated connection.
22        Args:
23            base_url (str): Optional base URL of the Cirro instance
24             (if not provided, it uses the `CIRRO_BASE_URL` environment variable, or the config file)
25            client (`cirro.cirro_client.CirroApi`): Optional pre-configured client
27        Example:
28        ```python
29        from cirro import DataPortal
31        Portal = DataPortal(base_url="")
32        portal.list_projects()
33        ```
34        """
36        if client is not None:
37            self._client = client
39        # Set up default client if not provided
40        else:
41            self._client = CirroApi(base_url=base_url)

Set up the DataPortal object, establishing an authenticated connection.

  • base_url (str): Optional base URL of the Cirro instance (if not provided, it uses the CIRRO_BASE_URL environment variable, or the config file)
  • client (CirroApi): Optional pre-configured client


from cirro import DataPortal

Portal = DataPortal(base_url="")
def list_projects(self) -> cirro.sdk.project.DataPortalProjects:
43    def list_projects(self) -> DataPortalProjects:
44        """List all the projects available in the Data Portal."""
46        return DataPortalProjects(
47            [
48                DataPortalProject(proj, self._client)
49                for proj in self._client.projects.list()
50            ]
51        )

List all the projects available in the Data Portal.

def get_project_by_name(self, name: str = None) -> DataPortalProject:
53    def get_project_by_name(self, name: str = None) -> DataPortalProject:
54        """Return the project with the specified name."""
56        return self.list_projects().get_by_name(name)

Return the project with the specified name.

def get_project_by_id(self, _id: str = None) -> DataPortalProject:
58    def get_project_by_id(self, _id: str = None) -> DataPortalProject:
59        """Return the project with the specified id."""
61        return self.list_projects().get_by_id(_id)

Return the project with the specified id.

def get_dataset( self, project: str = None, dataset: str = None) -> DataPortalDataset:
63    def get_dataset(self, project: str = None, dataset: str = None) -> DataPortalDataset:
64        """
65        Return a dataset identified by ID or name.
67        Args:
68            project (str): ID or name of project
69            dataset (str): ID or name of dataset
71        Returns:
72            `cirro.sdk.dataset.DataPortalDataset`
74            ```python
75            from cirro import DataPortal()
76            portal = DataPortal()
77            dataset = portal.get_dataset(
78                project="id-or-name-of-project",
79                dataset="id-or-name-of-dataset"
80            )
81            ```
82        """
83        try:
84            project: DataPortalProject = self.get_project_by_id(project)
85        except DataPortalAssetNotFound:
86            project: DataPortalProject = self.get_project_by_name(project)
88        try:
89            return project.get_dataset_by_id(dataset)
90        except DataPortalAssetNotFound:
91            return project.get_dataset_by_name(dataset)

Return a dataset identified by ID or name.

  • project (str): ID or name of project
  • dataset (str): ID or name of dataset


from cirro import DataPortal()
portal = DataPortal()
dataset = portal.get_dataset(
def list_processes(self, ingest=False) -> cirro.sdk.process.DataPortalProcesses:
 93    def list_processes(self, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcesses:
 94        """
 95        List all the processes available in the Data Portal.
 96        By default, only list non-ingest processes (those which can be run on existing datasets).
 97        To list the processes which can be used to upload datasets, use `ingest = True`.
 99        Args:
100            ingest (bool): If True, only list those processes which can be used to ingest datasets directly
101        """
103        return DataPortalProcesses(
104            [
105                DataPortalProcess(p, self._client)
106                for p in self._client.processes.list()
107                if not ingest or p.executor == Executor.INGEST
108            ]
109        )

List all the processes available in the Data Portal. By default, only list non-ingest processes (those which can be run on existing datasets). To list the processes which can be used to upload datasets, use ingest = True.

  • ingest (bool): If True, only list those processes which can be used to ingest datasets directly
def get_process_by_name(self, name: str, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcess:
111    def get_process_by_name(self, name: str, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcess:
112        """
113        Return the process with the specified name.
115        Args:
116            name (str): Name of process
117        """
119        return self.list_processes(ingest=ingest).get_by_name(name)

Return the process with the specified name.

  • name (str): Name of process
def get_process_by_id(self, id: str, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcess:
121    def get_process_by_id(self, id: str, ingest=False) -> DataPortalProcess:
122        """
123        Return the process with the specified id
125        Args:
126            id (str): ID of process
127        """
129        return self.list_processes(ingest=ingest).get_by_id(id)

Return the process with the specified id

  • id (str): ID of process
def list_reference_types(self) -> cirro.sdk.reference_type.DataPortalReferenceTypes:
131    def list_reference_types(self) -> DataPortalReferenceTypes:
132        """
133        Return the list of all available reference types
134        """
136        return DataPortalReferenceTypes(
137            [
138                DataPortalReferenceType(ref)
139                for ref in self._client.references.get_types()
140            ]
141        )

Return the list of all available reference types

class DataPortalProject(cirro.sdk.asset.DataPortalAsset):
 19class DataPortalProject(DataPortalAsset):
 20    """
 21    Projects in the Data Portal contain collections of Datasets.
 22    Users are granted permissions at the project-level, allowing them
 23    to view and/or modify all the datasets in that collection.
 24    """
 25    def __init__(self, proj: Project, client: CirroApi):
 26        """
 27        Instantiate with helper method
 29        ```python
 30        from cirro import DataPortal()
 31        portal = DataPortal()
 32        project = portal.get_project_by_name("Project Name")
 33        ```
 35        """
 36        self._data = proj
 37        self._client = client
 39    @property
 40    def id(self) -> str:
 41        """
 42        Unique identifier
 43        """
 44        return
 46    @property
 47    def name(self) -> str:
 48        """
 49        Readable name
 50        """
 51        return
 53    @property
 54    def description(self) -> str:
 55        """
 56        Longer description of the project
 57        """
 58        return self._data.description
 60    def __str__(self):
 61        """Control how the Project is rendered as a string."""
 63        return '\n'.join([
 64            f"{i.title()}: {self.__getattribute__(i)}"
 65            for i in ['name', 'id', 'description']
 66        ])
 68    @cache
 69    def _get_datasets(self) -> List[Dataset]:
 70        return self._client.datasets.list(
 72    def list_datasets(self, force_refresh=False) -> DataPortalDatasets:
 73        """List all the datasets available in the project."""
 74        if force_refresh:
 75            self._get_datasets.cache_clear()
 77        return DataPortalDatasets(
 78            [
 79                DataPortalDataset(d, self._client)
 80                for d in self._get_datasets()
 81            ]
 82        )
 84    def get_dataset_by_name(self, name: str, force_refresh=False) -> DataPortalDataset:
 85        """Return the dataset with the specified name."""
 86        if force_refresh:
 87            self._get_datasets.cache_clear()
 89        dataset = next((d for d in self._get_datasets() if == name), None)
 90        if dataset is None:
 91            raise DataPortalAssetNotFound(f'Dataset with name {name} not found')
 92        return self.get_dataset_by_id(
 94    def get_dataset_by_id(self, _id: str = None) -> DataPortalDataset:
 95        """Return the dataset with the specified id."""
 97        dataset = self._client.datasets.get(, dataset_id=_id)
 98        if dataset is None:
 99            raise DataPortalAssetNotFound(f'Dataset with ID {_id} not found')
100        return DataPortalDataset(dataset, self._client)
102    def list_references(self, reference_type: str = None) -> DataPortalReferences:
103        """
104        List the references available in a project.
105        Optionally filter to references of a particular type (identified by name)
106        """
108        # Get the complete list of references which are available
109        reference_types = DataPortalReferenceTypes(
110            [
111                DataPortalReferenceType(ref)
112                for ref in self._client.references.get_types()
113            ]
114        )
116        # If a particular name was specified
117        if reference_type is not None:
118            reference_types = reference_types.filter_by_pattern(reference_type)
119            if len(reference_types) == 0:
120                msg = f"Could not find any reference types with the name {reference_type}"
121                raise DataPortalAssetNotFound(msg)
123        return DataPortalReferences(
124            [
125                DataPortalReference(ref,, client=self._client)
126                for ref in self._client.references.get_for_project(
128                )
129                if reference_type is None or ref.type == reference_type
130            ]
131        )
133    def get_reference_by_name(self, name: str = None, ref_type: str = None) -> DataPortalReference:
134        """Return the reference of a particular type with the specified name."""
136        if name is None:
137            raise DataPortalInputError("Must specify the reference name")
139        return self.list_references(ref_type).get_by_name(name)
141    def upload_dataset(
142        self,
143        name: str = None,
144        description='',
145        process: Union[DataPortalProcess, str] = None,
146        upload_folder: str = None,
147        files: list = None
148    ):
149        """
150        Upload a set of files to the Data Portal, creating a new dataset.
152        If the files parameter is not provided, it will upload all files in the upload folder
154        Args:
155            name (str): Name of newly created dataset
156            description (str): Description of newly created dataset
157            process (str | DataPortalProcess): Process to run may be referenced by name, ID, or object
158            upload_folder (str): Folder containing files to upload
159            files (List[str]): Optional subset of files to upload from the folder
160        """
162        if name is None:
163            raise DataPortalInputError("Must provide name for new dataset")
164        if process is None:
165            raise DataPortalInputError("Must provide the process which is used for ingest")
166        if upload_folder is None:
167            raise DataPortalInputError("Must provide upload_folder -- folder containing files to upload")
169        # Parse the process provided by the user
170        process = parse_process_name_or_id(process, self._client)
172        # If no files were provided
173        if files is None:
174            # Get the list of files in the upload folder
175            files = get_files_in_directory(upload_folder)
177        if files is None or len(files) == 0:
178            raise RuntimeWarning("No files to upload, exiting")
180        # Make sure that the files match the expected pattern
181        self._client.processes.check_dataset_files(files,, upload_folder)
183        # Create the ingest process request
184        dataset_create_request = UploadDatasetRequest(
185  ,
186            name=name,
187            description=description,
188            expected_files=files
189        )
191        # Get the response
192        create_response = self._client.datasets.create(,
193                                                       upload_request=dataset_create_request)
195        # Upload the files
196        self._client.datasets.upload_files(
197  ,
198  ,
199            directory=upload_folder,
200            files=files
201        )
203        # Return the dataset which was created, which might take a second to update
204        max_attempts = 5
205        for attempt in range(max_attempts):
206            try:
207                return self.get_dataset_by_id(
208            except DataPortalAssetNotFound as e:
209                if attempt == max_attempts - 1:
210                    raise e
211                else:
212                    sleep(2)
214    def samples(self, max_items: int = 10000):
215        """
216        Retrieves a list of samples associated with a project along with their metadata
218        Args:
219            max_items (int): Maximum number of records to get (default 10,000)
220        """
221        return self._client.metadata.get_project_samples(, max_items)

Projects in the Data Portal contain collections of Datasets. Users are granted permissions at the project-level, allowing them to view and/or modify all the datasets in that collection.

DataPortalProject( proj: cirro_api_client.v1.models.Project, client: CirroApi)
25    def __init__(self, proj: Project, client: CirroApi):
26        """
27        Instantiate with helper method
29        ```python
30        from cirro import DataPortal()
31        portal = DataPortal()
32        project = portal.get_project_by_name("Project Name")
33        ```
35        """
36        self._data = proj
37        self._client = client

Instantiate with helper method

from cirro import DataPortal()
portal = DataPortal()
project = portal.get_project_by_name("Project Name")
id: str
39    @property
40    def id(self) -> str:
41        """
42        Unique identifier
43        """
44        return

Unique identifier

name: str
46    @property
47    def name(self) -> str:
48        """
49        Readable name
50        """
51        return

Readable name

description: str
53    @property
54    def description(self) -> str:
55        """
56        Longer description of the project
57        """
58        return self._data.description

Longer description of the project

def list_datasets(self, force_refresh=False) -> cirro.sdk.dataset.DataPortalDatasets:
72    def list_datasets(self, force_refresh=False) -> DataPortalDatasets:
73        """List all the datasets available in the project."""
74        if force_refresh:
75            self._get_datasets.cache_clear()
77        return DataPortalDatasets(
78            [
79                DataPortalDataset(d, self._client)
80                for d in self._get_datasets()
81            ]
82        )

List all the datasets available in the project.

def get_dataset_by_name( self, name: str, force_refresh=False) -> DataPortalDataset:
84    def get_dataset_by_name(self, name: str, force_refresh=False) -> DataPortalDataset:
85        """Return the dataset with the specified name."""
86        if force_refresh:
87            self._get_datasets.cache_clear()
89        dataset = next((d for d in self._get_datasets() if == name), None)
90        if dataset is None:
91            raise DataPortalAssetNotFound(f'Dataset with name {name} not found')
92        return self.get_dataset_by_id(

Return the dataset with the specified name.

def get_dataset_by_id(self, _id: str = None) -> DataPortalDataset:
 94    def get_dataset_by_id(self, _id: str = None) -> DataPortalDataset:
 95        """Return the dataset with the specified id."""
 97        dataset = self._client.datasets.get(, dataset_id=_id)
 98        if dataset is None:
 99            raise DataPortalAssetNotFound(f'Dataset with ID {_id} not found')
100        return DataPortalDataset(dataset, self._client)

Return the dataset with the specified id.

def list_references( self, reference_type: str = None) -> cirro.sdk.reference.DataPortalReferences:
102    def list_references(self, reference_type: str = None) -> DataPortalReferences:
103        """
104        List the references available in a project.
105        Optionally filter to references of a particular type (identified by name)
106        """
108        # Get the complete list of references which are available
109        reference_types = DataPortalReferenceTypes(
110            [
111                DataPortalReferenceType(ref)
112                for ref in self._client.references.get_types()
113            ]
114        )
116        # If a particular name was specified
117        if reference_type is not None:
118            reference_types = reference_types.filter_by_pattern(reference_type)
119            if len(reference_types) == 0:
120                msg = f"Could not find any reference types with the name {reference_type}"
121                raise DataPortalAssetNotFound(msg)
123        return DataPortalReferences(
124            [
125                DataPortalReference(ref,, client=self._client)
126                for ref in self._client.references.get_for_project(
128                )
129                if reference_type is None or ref.type == reference_type
130            ]
131        )

List the references available in a project. Optionally filter to references of a particular type (identified by name)

def get_reference_by_name( self, name: str = None, ref_type: str = None) -> DataPortalReference:
133    def get_reference_by_name(self, name: str = None, ref_type: str = None) -> DataPortalReference:
134        """Return the reference of a particular type with the specified name."""
136        if name is None:
137            raise DataPortalInputError("Must specify the reference name")
139        return self.list_references(ref_type).get_by_name(name)

Return the reference of a particular type with the specified name.

def upload_dataset( self, name: str = None, description='', process: Union[DataPortalProcess, str] = None, upload_folder: str = None, files: list = None):
141    def upload_dataset(
142        self,
143        name: str = None,
144        description='',
145        process: Union[DataPortalProcess, str] = None,
146        upload_folder: str = None,
147        files: list = None
148    ):
149        """
150        Upload a set of files to the Data Portal, creating a new dataset.
152        If the files parameter is not provided, it will upload all files in the upload folder
154        Args:
155            name (str): Name of newly created dataset
156            description (str): Description of newly created dataset
157            process (str | DataPortalProcess): Process to run may be referenced by name, ID, or object
158            upload_folder (str): Folder containing files to upload
159            files (List[str]): Optional subset of files to upload from the folder
160        """
162        if name is None:
163            raise DataPortalInputError("Must provide name for new dataset")
164        if process is None:
165            raise DataPortalInputError("Must provide the process which is used for ingest")
166        if upload_folder is None:
167            raise DataPortalInputError("Must provide upload_folder -- folder containing files to upload")
169        # Parse the process provided by the user
170        process = parse_process_name_or_id(process, self._client)
172        # If no files were provided
173        if files is None:
174            # Get the list of files in the upload folder
175            files = get_files_in_directory(upload_folder)
177        if files is None or len(files) == 0:
178            raise RuntimeWarning("No files to upload, exiting")
180        # Make sure that the files match the expected pattern
181        self._client.processes.check_dataset_files(files,, upload_folder)
183        # Create the ingest process request
184        dataset_create_request = UploadDatasetRequest(
185  ,
186            name=name,
187            description=description,
188            expected_files=files
189        )
191        # Get the response
192        create_response = self._client.datasets.create(,
193                                                       upload_request=dataset_create_request)
195        # Upload the files
196        self._client.datasets.upload_files(
197  ,
198  ,
199            directory=upload_folder,
200            files=files
201        )
203        # Return the dataset which was created, which might take a second to update
204        max_attempts = 5
205        for attempt in range(max_attempts):
206            try:
207                return self.get_dataset_by_id(
208            except DataPortalAssetNotFound as e:
209                if attempt == max_attempts - 1:
210                    raise e
211                else:
212                    sleep(2)

Upload a set of files to the Data Portal, creating a new dataset.

If the files parameter is not provided, it will upload all files in the upload folder

  • name (str): Name of newly created dataset
  • description (str): Description of newly created dataset
  • process (str | DataPortalProcess): Process to run may be referenced by name, ID, or object
  • upload_folder (str): Folder containing files to upload
  • files (List[str]): Optional subset of files to upload from the folder
def samples(self, max_items: int = 10000):
214    def samples(self, max_items: int = 10000):
215        """
216        Retrieves a list of samples associated with a project along with their metadata
218        Args:
219            max_items (int): Maximum number of records to get (default 10,000)
220        """
221        return self._client.metadata.get_project_samples(, max_items)

Retrieves a list of samples associated with a project along with their metadata

  • max_items (int): Maximum number of records to get (default 10,000)
class DataPortalProcess(cirro.sdk.asset.DataPortalAsset):
11class DataPortalProcess(DataPortalAsset):
12    """Helper functions for interacting with analysis processes."""
13    _data: Process
15    def __init__(self, process: Process, client: CirroApi):
16        """
17        Instantiate with helper method
19        ```python
20        from cirro import DataPortal()
21        portal = DataPortal()
22        process = portal.get_process_by_name("Process Name")
23        ```
24        """
25        self._data = process
26        self._client = client
28    @property
29    def id(self) -> str:
30        """Unique identifier"""
31        return
33    @property
34    def name(self) -> str:
35        """Readable name"""
36        return
38    @property
39    def description(self) -> str:
40        """Longer description of process"""
41        return self._data.description
43    @property
44    def child_process_ids(self) -> List[str]:
45        """List of processes which can be run on the output of this process"""
46        return self._data.child_process_ids
48    @property
49    def executor(self) -> Executor:
50        """INGEST, CROMWELL, or NEXTFLOW"""
51        return self._data.executor
53    @property
54    def documentation_url(self) -> str:
55        """Documentation URL"""
56        return self._data.documentation_url
58    @property
59    def file_requirements_message(self) -> str:
60        """Description of files required for INGEST processes"""
61        return self._data.file_requirements_message
63    def __str__(self):
64        return '\n'.join([
65            f"{i.title()}: {self.__getattribute__(i)}"
66            for i in ['name', 'id', 'description']
67        ])
69    def get_parameter_spec(self) -> ParameterSpecification:
70        """
71        Gets a specification used to describe the parameters used in the process.
72        """
73        return self._client.processes.get_parameter_spec(

Helper functions for interacting with analysis processes.

DataPortalProcess( process: cirro_api_client.v1.models.Process, client: CirroApi)
15    def __init__(self, process: Process, client: CirroApi):
16        """
17        Instantiate with helper method
19        ```python
20        from cirro import DataPortal()
21        portal = DataPortal()
22        process = portal.get_process_by_name("Process Name")
23        ```
24        """
25        self._data = process
26        self._client = client

Instantiate with helper method

from cirro import DataPortal()
portal = DataPortal()
process = portal.get_process_by_name("Process Name")
id: str
28    @property
29    def id(self) -> str:
30        """Unique identifier"""
31        return

Unique identifier

name: str
33    @property
34    def name(self) -> str:
35        """Readable name"""
36        return

Readable name

description: str
38    @property
39    def description(self) -> str:
40        """Longer description of process"""
41        return self._data.description

Longer description of process

child_process_ids: List[str]
43    @property
44    def child_process_ids(self) -> List[str]:
45        """List of processes which can be run on the output of this process"""
46        return self._data.child_process_ids

List of processes which can be run on the output of this process

executor: cirro_api_client.v1.models.Executor
48    @property
49    def executor(self) -> Executor:
50        """INGEST, CROMWELL, or NEXTFLOW"""
51        return self._data.executor


documentation_url: str
53    @property
54    def documentation_url(self) -> str:
55        """Documentation URL"""
56        return self._data.documentation_url

Documentation URL

file_requirements_message: str
58    @property
59    def file_requirements_message(self) -> str:
60        """Description of files required for INGEST processes"""
61        return self._data.file_requirements_message

Description of files required for INGEST processes

def get_parameter_spec(self) -> cirro.models.form_specification.ParameterSpecification:
69    def get_parameter_spec(self) -> ParameterSpecification:
70        """
71        Gets a specification used to describe the parameters used in the process.
72        """
73        return self._client.processes.get_parameter_spec(

Gets a specification used to describe the parameters used in the process.

class DataPortalDataset(cirro.sdk.asset.DataPortalAsset):
 17class DataPortalDataset(DataPortalAsset):
 18    """
 19    Datasets in the Data Portal are collections of files which have
 20    either been uploaded directly, or which have been output by
 21    an analysis pipeline or notebook.
 22    """
 24    def __init__(self, dataset: Union[Dataset, DatasetDetail], client: CirroApi):
 25        """
 26        Instantiate a dataset object
 28        Should be invoked from a top-level constructor, for example:
 30        ```python
 31        from cirro import DataPortal()
 32        portal = DataPortal()
 33        dataset = portal.get_dataset(
 34            project="id-or-name-of-project",
 35            dataset="id-or-name-of-dataset"
 36        )
 37        ```
 39        """
 40        assert dataset.project_id is not None, "Must provide dataset with project_id attribute"
 41        self._data = dataset
 42        self._files: Optional[List[FileEntry]] = None
 43        self._client = client
 45    @property
 46    def id(self) -> str:
 47        """Unique identifier for the dataset"""
 48        return
 50    @property
 51    def name(self) -> str:
 52        """Editible name for the dataset"""
 53        return
 55    @property
 56    def description(self) -> str:
 57        """Longer name for the dataset"""
 58        return self._data.description
 60    @property
 61    def process_id(self) -> str:
 62        """Unique ID of process used to create the dataset"""
 63        return self._data.process_id
 65    @property
 66    def process(self) -> ProcessDetail:
 67        """
 68        Object representing the process used to create the dataset
 69        """
 70        return self._client.processes.get(self.process_id)
 72    @property
 73    def project_id(self) -> str:
 74        """ID of the project containing the dataset"""
 75        return self._data.project_id
 77    @property
 78    def status(self) -> Status:
 79        """
 80        Status of the dataset
 81        """
 82        return self._data.status
 84    @property
 85    def source_dataset_ids(self) -> List[str]:
 86        """IDs of the datasets used as sources for this dataset (if any)"""
 87        return self._data.source_dataset_ids
 89    @property
 90    def source_datasets(self) -> List['DataPortalDataset']:
 91        """
 92        Objects representing the datasets used as sources for this dataset (if any)
 93        """
 94        return [
 95            DataPortalDataset(
 96                dataset=self._client.datasets.get(project_id=self.project_id, dataset_id=dataset_id),
 97                client=self._client
 98            )
 99            for dataset_id in self.source_dataset_ids
100        ]
102    @property
103    def params(self) -> DatasetDetailParams:
104        """
105        Parameters used to generate the dataset
106        """
107        return self._get_detail().params
109    @property
110    def info(self) -> DatasetDetailInfo:
111        """
112        Detailed information about the dataset
113        """
114        return self._get_detail().info
116    @property
117    def tags(self) -> List[Tag]:
118        """
119        Tags applied to the dataset
120        """
121        return self._data.tags
123    @property
124    def created_by(self) -> str:
125        """User who created the dataset"""
126        return self._data.created_by
128    @property
129    def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime:
130        """Timestamp of dataset creation"""
131        return self._data.created_at
133    def _get_detail(self):
134        if not isinstance(self._data, DatasetDetail):
135            self._data = self._client.datasets.get(project_id=self.project_id,
136        return self._data
138    def __str__(self):
139        return '\n'.join([
140            f"{i.title()}: {self.__getattribute__(i)}"
141            for i in ['name', 'id', 'description', 'status']
142        ])
144    def list_files(self) -> DataPortalFiles:
145        """
146        Return the list of files which make up the dataset.
147        """
148        if not self._files:
149            self._files = DataPortalFiles(
150                [
151                    DataPortalFile(file=file, client=self._client)
152                    for file in self._client.datasets.get_file_listing(
153                        project_id=self.project_id,
155                    )
156                ]
157            )
158        return self._files
160    def download_files(self, download_location: str = None) -> None:
161        """
162        Download all the files from the dataset to a local directory.
164        Args:
165            download_location (str): Path to local directory
166        """
168        # Alias for internal method
169        self.list_files().download(download_location)
171    def run_analysis(
172            self,
173            name: str = None,
174            description: str = "",
175            process: Union[DataPortalProcess, str] = None,
176            params=None,
177            notifications_emails=None
178    ) -> str:
179        """
180        Runs an analysis on a dataset, returns the ID of the newly created dataset.
182        The process can be provided as either a DataPortalProcess object,
183        or a string which corresponds to the name or ID of the process.
185        Args:
186            name (str): Name of newly created dataset
187            description (str): Description of newly created dataset
188            process (DataPortalProcess or str): Process to run
189            params (dict): Analysis parameters
190            notifications_emails (List[str]): Notification email address(es)
192        Returns:
193            dataset_id (str): ID of newly created dataset
194        """
195        if name is None:
196            raise DataPortalInputError("Must specify 'name' for run_analysis")
197        if process is None:
198            raise DataPortalInputError("Must specify 'process' for run_analysis")
199        if notifications_emails is None:
200            notifications_emails = []
201        if params is None:
202            params = {}
204        # If the process is a string, try to parse it as a process name or ID
205        process = parse_process_name_or_id(process, self._client)
207        resp = self._client.execution.run_analysis(
208            project_id=self.project_id,
209            request=RunAnalysisRequest(
210                name=name,
211                description=description,
212      ,
213                source_dataset_ids=[],
214                params=RunAnalysisRequestParams.from_dict(params),
215                notification_emails=notifications_emails
216            )
217        )
218        return

Datasets in the Data Portal are collections of files which have either been uploaded directly, or which have been output by an analysis pipeline or notebook.

DataPortalDataset( dataset: Union[cirro_api_client.v1.models.Dataset, cirro_api_client.v1.models.DatasetDetail], client: CirroApi)
24    def __init__(self, dataset: Union[Dataset, DatasetDetail], client: CirroApi):
25        """
26        Instantiate a dataset object
28        Should be invoked from a top-level constructor, for example:
30        ```python
31        from cirro import DataPortal()
32        portal = DataPortal()
33        dataset = portal.get_dataset(
34            project="id-or-name-of-project",
35            dataset="id-or-name-of-dataset"
36        )
37        ```
39        """
40        assert dataset.project_id is not None, "Must provide dataset with project_id attribute"
41        self._data = dataset
42        self._files: Optional[List[FileEntry]] = None
43        self._client = client

Instantiate a dataset object

Should be invoked from a top-level constructor, for example:

from cirro import DataPortal()
portal = DataPortal()
dataset = portal.get_dataset(
id: str
45    @property
46    def id(self) -> str:
47        """Unique identifier for the dataset"""
48        return

Unique identifier for the dataset

name: str
50    @property
51    def name(self) -> str:
52        """Editible name for the dataset"""
53        return

Editible name for the dataset

description: str
55    @property
56    def description(self) -> str:
57        """Longer name for the dataset"""
58        return self._data.description

Longer name for the dataset

process_id: str
60    @property
61    def process_id(self) -> str:
62        """Unique ID of process used to create the dataset"""
63        return self._data.process_id

Unique ID of process used to create the dataset

65    @property
66    def process(self) -> ProcessDetail:
67        """
68        Object representing the process used to create the dataset
69        """
70        return self._client.processes.get(self.process_id)

Object representing the process used to create the dataset

project_id: str
72    @property
73    def project_id(self) -> str:
74        """ID of the project containing the dataset"""
75        return self._data.project_id

ID of the project containing the dataset

status: cirro_api_client.v1.models.Status
77    @property
78    def status(self) -> Status:
79        """
80        Status of the dataset
81        """
82        return self._data.status

Status of the dataset

source_dataset_ids: List[str]
84    @property
85    def source_dataset_ids(self) -> List[str]:
86        """IDs of the datasets used as sources for this dataset (if any)"""
87        return self._data.source_dataset_ids

IDs of the datasets used as sources for this dataset (if any)

source_datasets: List[DataPortalDataset]
 89    @property
 90    def source_datasets(self) -> List['DataPortalDataset']:
 91        """
 92        Objects representing the datasets used as sources for this dataset (if any)
 93        """
 94        return [
 95            DataPortalDataset(
 96                dataset=self._client.datasets.get(project_id=self.project_id, dataset_id=dataset_id),
 97                client=self._client
 98            )
 99            for dataset_id in self.source_dataset_ids
100        ]

Objects representing the datasets used as sources for this dataset (if any)

102    @property
103    def params(self) -> DatasetDetailParams:
104        """
105        Parameters used to generate the dataset
106        """
107        return self._get_detail().params

Parameters used to generate the dataset

109    @property
110    def info(self) -> DatasetDetailInfo:
111        """
112        Detailed information about the dataset
113        """
114        return self._get_detail().info

Detailed information about the dataset

tags: List[cirro_api_client.v1.models.Tag]
116    @property
117    def tags(self) -> List[Tag]:
118        """
119        Tags applied to the dataset
120        """
121        return self._data.tags

Tags applied to the dataset

created_by: str
123    @property
124    def created_by(self) -> str:
125        """User who created the dataset"""
126        return self._data.created_by

User who created the dataset

created_at: datetime.datetime
128    @property
129    def created_at(self) -> datetime.datetime:
130        """Timestamp of dataset creation"""
131        return self._data.created_at

Timestamp of dataset creation

def list_files(self) -> cirro.sdk.file.DataPortalFiles:
144    def list_files(self) -> DataPortalFiles:
145        """
146        Return the list of files which make up the dataset.
147        """
148        if not self._files:
149            self._files = DataPortalFiles(
150                [
151                    DataPortalFile(file=file, client=self._client)
152                    for file in self._client.datasets.get_file_listing(
153                        project_id=self.project_id,
155                    )
156                ]
157            )
158        return self._files

Return the list of files which make up the dataset.

def download_files(self, download_location: str = None) -> None:
160    def download_files(self, download_location: str = None) -> None:
161        """
162        Download all the files from the dataset to a local directory.
164        Args:
165            download_location (str): Path to local directory
166        """
168        # Alias for internal method
169        self.list_files().download(download_location)

Download all the files from the dataset to a local directory.

  • download_location (str): Path to local directory
def run_analysis( self, name: str = None, description: str = '', process: Union[DataPortalProcess, str] = None, params=None, notifications_emails=None) -> str:
171    def run_analysis(
172            self,
173            name: str = None,
174            description: str = "",
175            process: Union[DataPortalProcess, str] = None,
176            params=None,
177            notifications_emails=None
178    ) -> str:
179        """
180        Runs an analysis on a dataset, returns the ID of the newly created dataset.
182        The process can be provided as either a DataPortalProcess object,
183        or a string which corresponds to the name or ID of the process.
185        Args:
186            name (str): Name of newly created dataset
187            description (str): Description of newly created dataset
188            process (DataPortalProcess or str): Process to run
189            params (dict): Analysis parameters
190            notifications_emails (List[str]): Notification email address(es)
192        Returns:
193            dataset_id (str): ID of newly created dataset
194        """
195        if name is None:
196            raise DataPortalInputError("Must specify 'name' for run_analysis")
197        if process is None:
198            raise DataPortalInputError("Must specify 'process' for run_analysis")
199        if notifications_emails is None:
200            notifications_emails = []
201        if params is None:
202            params = {}
204        # If the process is a string, try to parse it as a process name or ID
205        process = parse_process_name_or_id(process, self._client)
207        resp = self._client.execution.run_analysis(
208            project_id=self.project_id,
209            request=RunAnalysisRequest(
210                name=name,
211                description=description,
212      ,
213                source_dataset_ids=[],
214                params=RunAnalysisRequestParams.from_dict(params),
215                notification_emails=notifications_emails
216            )
217        )
218        return

Runs an analysis on a dataset, returns the ID of the newly created dataset.

The process can be provided as either a DataPortalProcess object, or a string which corresponds to the name or ID of the process.

  • name (str): Name of newly created dataset
  • description (str): Description of newly created dataset
  • process (DataPortalProcess or str): Process to run
  • params (dict): Analysis parameters
  • notifications_emails (List[str]): Notification email address(es)

dataset_id (str): ID of newly created dataset

class DataPortalReference(cirro.sdk.asset.DataPortalAsset):
12class DataPortalReference(DataPortalAsset):
13    """
14    Reference data object containing files which can be used for analysis in a particular project.
15    """
16    def __init__(self, ref: Reference, project_id: str, client: CirroApi):
17        """
18        Instantiate by listing the references which have been added to a particular project
19        ```python
20        from cirro import DataPortal()
21        portal = DataPortal()
22        project = portal.get_project_by_name("Project Name")
23        references = project.list_references()
24        ```
25        """
26        self._data = ref
27        self._files = [
28            DataPortalFile(File.from_file_entry(f, project_id), client) for f in ref.files
29        ]
31    @property
32    def files(self) -> List[DataPortalFile]:
33        """File(s) contained in the reference"""
34        return self._files
36    @property
37    def name(self) -> str:
38        """Reference name"""
39        return
41    @property
42    def type(self) -> str:
43        """Type of reference data (e.g. genome_fasta)"""
44        return self._data.type
46    @property
47    def absolute_path(self):
48        if len(self._files) == 0:
49            return None
50        return self._files[0].absolute_path
52    def __str__(self):
53        return

Reference data object containing files which can be used for analysis in a particular project.

DataPortalReference( ref: cirro_api_client.v1.models.Reference, project_id: str, client: CirroApi)
16    def __init__(self, ref: Reference, project_id: str, client: CirroApi):
17        """
18        Instantiate by listing the references which have been added to a particular project
19        ```python
20        from cirro import DataPortal()
21        portal = DataPortal()
22        project = portal.get_project_by_name("Project Name")
23        references = project.list_references()
24        ```
25        """
26        self._data = ref
27        self._files = [
28            DataPortalFile(File.from_file_entry(f, project_id), client) for f in ref.files
29        ]

Instantiate by listing the references which have been added to a particular project

from cirro import DataPortal()
portal = DataPortal()
project = portal.get_project_by_name("Project Name")
references = project.list_references()
files: List[cirro.sdk.file.DataPortalFile]
31    @property
32    def files(self) -> List[DataPortalFile]:
33        """File(s) contained in the reference"""
34        return self._files

File(s) contained in the reference

name: str
36    @property
37    def name(self) -> str:
38        """Reference name"""
39        return

Reference name

type: str
41    @property
42    def type(self) -> str:
43        """Type of reference data (e.g. genome_fasta)"""
44        return self._data.type

Type of reference data (e.g. genome_fasta)

46    @property
47    def absolute_path(self):
48        if len(self._files) == 0:
49            return None
50        return self._files[0].absolute_path
class CirroApi:
 11class CirroApi:
 12    """
 13    Client for interacting directly with the Cirro API
 14    """
 15    def __init__(self, auth_info: AuthInfo = None, base_url: str = None):
 16        """
 17        Instantiates the Cirro API object
 19        Args:
 20            auth_info (cirro.auth.base.AuthInfo):
 21            base_url (str): Optional base URL of the Cirro instance
 22             (if not provided, it uses the `CIRRO_BASE_URL` environment variable, or the config file)
 24        Returns:
 25            Authenticated Cirro API object, which can be used to call endpoint functions.
 27        Example:
 28        ```python
 29        from cirro.cirro_client import CirroApi
 31        cirro = CirroApi(base_url="")
 32        print(cirro.projects.list())
 33        ```
 34        """
 36        self._configuration = AppConfig(base_url=base_url)
 37        if not auth_info:
 38            auth_info = get_auth_info_from_config(self._configuration, auth_io=None)
 40        self._api_client = CirroApiClient(
 41            base_url=self._configuration.rest_endpoint,
 42            auth_method=auth_info.get_auth_method(),
 43            client_name='Cirro SDK',
 44            package_name='cirro'
 45        )
 47        # Init services
 48        self._file_service = FileService(self._api_client,
 49                                         enable_additional_checksum=self._configuration.enable_additional_checksum,
 50                                         transfer_retries=self._configuration.transfer_max_retries)
 51        self._dataset_service = DatasetService(self._api_client, file_service=self._file_service)
 52        self._project_service = ProjectService(self._api_client)
 53        self._process_service = ProcessService(self._api_client)
 54        self._execution_service = ExecutionService(self._api_client)
 55        self._metrics_service = MetricsService(self._api_client)
 56        self._metadata_service = MetadataService(self._api_client)
 57        self._billing_service = BillingService(self._api_client)
 58        self._references_service = ReferenceService(self._api_client)
 59        self._users_service = UserService(self._api_client)
 61    @property
 62    def datasets(self) -> DatasetService:
 63        """
 64        Create, list, delete, and modify Datasets
 65        """
 66        return self._dataset_service
 68    @property
 69    def projects(self) -> ProjectService:
 70        """
 71        Create, list, delete, and modify Projects
 72        """
 73        return self._project_service
 75    @property
 76    def processes(self) -> ProcessService:
 77        """
 78        List and retrieve detailed information about Processes
 79        """
 80        return self._process_service
 82    @property
 83    def execution(self) -> ExecutionService:
 84        """
 85        List, run, stop, and describe the analysis jobs (executing Processes to create new Datasets)
 86        """
 87        return self._execution_service
 89    @property
 90    def metrics(self) -> MetricsService:
 91        """
 92        Project-level summary metrics
 93        """
 94        return self._metrics_service
 96    @property
 97    def metadata(self) -> MetadataService:
 98        """
 99        List and modify Sample metadata or metadata schemas
100        """
101        return self._metadata_service
103    @property
104    def billing(self) -> BillingService:
105        """
106        List and update billing accounts
107        """
108        return self._billing_service
110    @property
111    def references(self) -> ReferenceService:
112        """
113        List References and Reference types
114        """
115        return self._references_service
117    @property
118    def users(self) -> UserService:
119        """
120        List and update user information
121        """
122        return self._users_service
124    @property
125    def file(self) -> FileService:
126        """
127        Read, download, and create file objects
128        """
129        return self._file_service
131    @property
132    def api_client(self) -> CirroApiClient:
133        """
134        Gets the underlying API client
135        """
136        return self._api_client
138    @property
139    def configuration(self) -> AppConfig:
140        """
141        Gets the configuration of the instance
142        """
143        return self._configuration

Client for interacting directly with the Cirro API

CirroApi(auth_info: cirro.auth.base.AuthInfo = None, base_url: str = None)
15    def __init__(self, auth_info: AuthInfo = None, base_url: str = None):
16        """
17        Instantiates the Cirro API object
19        Args:
20            auth_info (cirro.auth.base.AuthInfo):
21            base_url (str): Optional base URL of the Cirro instance
22             (if not provided, it uses the `CIRRO_BASE_URL` environment variable, or the config file)
24        Returns:
25            Authenticated Cirro API object, which can be used to call endpoint functions.
27        Example:
28        ```python
29        from cirro.cirro_client import CirroApi
31        cirro = CirroApi(base_url="")
32        print(cirro.projects.list())
33        ```
34        """
36        self._configuration = AppConfig(base_url=base_url)
37        if not auth_info:
38            auth_info = get_auth_info_from_config(self._configuration, auth_io=None)
40        self._api_client = CirroApiClient(
41            base_url=self._configuration.rest_endpoint,
42            auth_method=auth_info.get_auth_method(),
43            client_name='Cirro SDK',
44            package_name='cirro'
45        )
47        # Init services
48        self._file_service = FileService(self._api_client,
49                                         enable_additional_checksum=self._configuration.enable_additional_checksum,
50                                         transfer_retries=self._configuration.transfer_max_retries)
51        self._dataset_service = DatasetService(self._api_client, file_service=self._file_service)
52        self._project_service = ProjectService(self._api_client)
53        self._process_service = ProcessService(self._api_client)
54        self._execution_service = ExecutionService(self._api_client)
55        self._metrics_service = MetricsService(self._api_client)
56        self._metadata_service = MetadataService(self._api_client)
57        self._billing_service = BillingService(self._api_client)
58        self._references_service = ReferenceService(self._api_client)
59        self._users_service = UserService(self._api_client)

Instantiates the Cirro API object

  • auth_info (cirro.auth.base.AuthInfo):
  • base_url (str): Optional base URL of the Cirro instance (if not provided, it uses the CIRRO_BASE_URL environment variable, or the config file)

Authenticated Cirro API object, which can be used to call endpoint functions.


from cirro.cirro_client import CirroApi

cirro = CirroApi(base_url="")
61    @property
62    def datasets(self) -> DatasetService:
63        """
64        Create, list, delete, and modify Datasets
65        """
66        return self._dataset_service

Create, list, delete, and modify Datasets

68    @property
69    def projects(self) -> ProjectService:
70        """
71        Create, list, delete, and modify Projects
72        """
73        return self._project_service

Create, list, delete, and modify Projects

75    @property
76    def processes(self) -> ProcessService:
77        """
78        List and retrieve detailed information about Processes
79        """
80        return self._process_service

List and retrieve detailed information about Processes

82    @property
83    def execution(self) -> ExecutionService:
84        """
85        List, run, stop, and describe the analysis jobs (executing Processes to create new Datasets)
86        """
87        return self._execution_service

List, run, stop, and describe the analysis jobs (executing Processes to create new Datasets)

89    @property
90    def metrics(self) -> MetricsService:
91        """
92        Project-level summary metrics
93        """
94        return self._metrics_service

Project-level summary metrics

 96    @property
 97    def metadata(self) -> MetadataService:
 98        """
 99        List and modify Sample metadata or metadata schemas
100        """
101        return self._metadata_service

List and modify Sample metadata or metadata schemas

103    @property
104    def billing(self) -> BillingService:
105        """
106        List and update billing accounts
107        """
108        return self._billing_service

List and update billing accounts

110    @property
111    def references(self) -> ReferenceService:
112        """
113        List References and Reference types
114        """
115        return self._references_service

List References and Reference types

117    @property
118    def users(self) -> UserService:
119        """
120        List and update user information
121        """
122        return self._users_service

List and update user information

124    @property
125    def file(self) -> FileService:
126        """
127        Read, download, and create file objects
128        """
129        return self._file_service

Read, download, and create file objects

api_client: cirro_api_client.CirroApiClient
131    @property
132    def api_client(self) -> CirroApiClient:
133        """
134        Gets the underlying API client
135        """
136        return self._api_client

Gets the underlying API client

configuration: cirro.config.AppConfig
138    @property
139    def configuration(self) -> AppConfig:
140        """
141        Gets the configuration of the instance
142        """
143        return self._configuration

Gets the configuration of the instance